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Category Archives: Roleplaying

Episode 3 1/2: A terrible discovery


This is in response to a story written by my dear friend/GL Mysthowl, who has been so patiently waiting for me to get off my lazy butt (sorry, Myst!). Please read all the episodes he’s done before delving into mine! Today, it was in Niqora’s favor that Icecrown’s landscape boasted charcoal-gray bedrock and had more […]

RP Session 1: Where in Radoslaw asks Aroqin too many questions


Kazimierz and I decided to roll two Alliance characters a little while back to join Bloodriver’s up-and-coming Alliance sister guild, Obsidian Phoenix. My character Aroqin is a night elf druid and his character Radoslaw is a human rogue. One night we ended up role-playing a little between them and discovered they have some interesting personalities. […]

Lok’vadnod for Niqora Wildstride


No, Pookii, I have not been kidnapped. 😉 So…the truth is that the reason I have not been posting here for a while is because I’ve been spending just about every spare moment during the last two months with the most incredible man on the planet (and I know he will blush violently when he […]