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Monthly Archives: March 2011

Machinima Monday: Redshift


I’d like to present the very first Machinima Monday, which will be a weekly post featuring my favorites in well…machinima. Given my unfortunate inability to post on a regular basis, I’m hoping that by starting this feature, I’ll be more inclined to remember to post more than my usual 2-3 posts a month. >.> But […]

WoW has spoiled me


Say what you want about the certain pitfalls of WoW; I for one will be right there with you, because we all know that it’s not the perfect game. Perfect of course being a relative term, so really it can never ever be perfect for everyone. But that aside, there are a lot of things […]

Pet Buff Flowchart


It has occurred to me that for a blog called ‘Petoholics Anonymous”, there has been a distinct lack of pet or hunter talk lately. This led to wanting to do a pet-related post, and after deciding that I’m horrible at theory-crafting, the one thing I could do was go through all the pet buffs and […]