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Category Archives: Blogging

Just making official what you already guessed


Well…since it’s been over a year since my last post, I’m sure most of you have already guessed that this blog has been abandoned. If anyone is still lurking around, I can confirm the rumors. Petoholics Anonymous has had a good run but like all things, it must come to an end eventually. This has […]

Storylines and Quests


This was inspired by a little conversation Niqora and I had regarding the role of storyline in WoW, especially with regard to questing in the world at large, and the role of the players in those quests. There seems to have been a decided change in design as expansions come out, and both tendencies I […]

The prodigal blogger returns


I was missing Wow so I bought a month’s worth of time, telling myself that this would be the test to see how I feel about the game. That was over a month ago and I’m still here, still enjoying it. The strangest thing of all was that I had really wanted to play my […]