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Category Archives: Random Thoughts

Stuff that’s not really related to anything

Hello 2012!


So here we are in a brand new year. If you believe the whole Aztec thing, this is going to be the year that the whole world comes to an end, apparently just a couple days before my 27th birthday. At least I’ll die young and leave a (semi)beautiful corpse. Holiday Sundries So I had […]

I am a ninja and a “theif”


At least according to one death knight that I met last night. Here’s the setting: I finally got up my courage to try tanking on my undead DK Iyocene and it turns out that I’m not too bad at it. At least I haven’t gotten anyone killed so far and I can mostly hold aggro. […]

In Raiding News…


So it occurred to me that after my post about a non-guild raid group, I should give everyone an update. Since blogs are suppose to be updated on a regular basis… *cough* Anyways, let me start at the beginning. I began by scraping most of the requirements that I had listed previously and wrote up […]