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Monthly Archives: June 2009

Scum of the internet


So, I’m sure you’re all wondering what has happened to the Petoholics theme and where all the posts and pages disappeared to. The answer is pretty simple and yet surprisingly infuriating…spammers hacked my blog. Thankfully they didn’t upload any viruses or anything. Instead they seemed content with filling every page with spam links for “that […]

Character and pet name generators are still live


For those of you who are looking, here are the links for the PANDA WoW name generator and the Pet-o-licious Namerator for hunter pet names.

Still a petoholic at heart


This blog has been somewhat neglected, not due to the fact that I’m abandoning it (obviously because I’m writing a post up right now…) but because I haven’t have the inclination to make a post about anything. I think it’s partially because I feel the need to make these HUGE posts instead of just short […]