Alert the press!
With Cataclysm looming in the distance and set to arrive in the next couple months (depending on who you ask), I finally got off my lazy butt and fixed up the name suggestion forms for my name generators.
So you can now submit your ideas for worgen and goblin names to the PANDA WoW Name Generator.
Similarly, all of my fellow petoholics can suggest names for the new pet families (dogs, foxes, monkeys) to be added to the Pet-o-licious Namerator.
Visitors who are familiar with the old form will see that it’s changed a bit, simply because it makes it a helluva lot easier for me to add new names this way.
So spread the word and suggest your own names. Or Twitch on the right there will eat you. (You think I’m joking, but can you honestly look at that feral cat expression and say that he doesn’t look like he wants you for a midnight snack?)