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Monthly Archives: September 2010

Of Death and Rebirth


It is often easy to forget about the impact of death, permanent death, in a world filled with resurrection magic and spirit healers. For players, an untimely demise at the hands (or claws, teeth, spells, what have you) of another is merely a brief, annoying setback in the quest for xp or loot, not the […]

The birth of a name


LarĂ­sa over at the Pink Pigtail Inn wrote about how difficult it can be to come up with a good character name, especially when one has an army of alts. That got me thinking: I have an army of alts that are more or less named differently from one another (as in I don’t have […]

Now with more orc!


Now that Faeldray’s glowing introduction has me all blushing, I suppose I should share a few things about myself…as you might have guessed, that’s my namesake up there, hanging out in Orgrimmar. I raid casually, RP, and level a multi-server army of alts, but Kazi’s been a solid main for a long, long time. I […]