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Category Archives: WotLK

Twas the night before release…


And all through fair Azeroth, Players were anxiously waiting, Even the hunter with the moth. Well, I never claimed to be a spectacular poet or anything. The point being is that I finally added all the new pet families to the Pet-o-licious Namerator, and just in time for the expansion. In a short little while […]

Updating Pet-o-holics Namerator for WotLK


So I’m reinstalling WoW on my laptop (don’t ask >.< ) and while I was staring at the progress bar inch ever so slowly along, I realized that with the new patch, there’s new pet families. Families that aren’t in the Pet-o-holics Namerator! This calls for an update! I figured it would be best to […]



I especially like the roaring bone dragon. Very nice touch. I don’t suppose I can tame one… Unfortunately all the realms I play on are still down. So I can’t log in and get Niqora a nice new chimera or core hound. I’m not really interested in any of the other new pets. Okay, maybe […]