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Monthly Archives: October 2007

Item Tooltips in WordPress


If you’re like me and you can get neither ItemStats or this script to work on your WordPress blog, I’ve managed to come up with a solution, albeit not as easy as those. If I can get a script to parse some XML the way I want it, I can make it a lot easier. […]

Happy Hallow’s End!


Believe it or not, but this is Nicora, my tauren hunter, on her ram mount. This was after having spent an entire evening with a guild member, Ttyytytytyty (nicknamed “Nooblet” by our GM). At the time, he was level 25 and trying to get to level 26 so he could get the Frostmaw quest reward, […]

Boots, rams, and PvP


Nicora has been getting a lot of play time recently and as a result, she’s not only hit level 46, but she’ll also received two items of importance: [item]33976[/item] and [item]20156[/item].