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Category Archives: Cataclysm

Tauren followers of the Light revisited


Far too many times I have heard the one comment or another essentially proclaiming that tauren paladins and/or priests are a perversion of WoW lore, or those characters are going against the tauren culture/religion. Now I’ve talked about this before but for whatever reason, people still seem to clamor about it left and right. This […]

Back from the holidays


While my vacation technically ended back on January 3, I’ve been terribly busy with this major work project, and my free time has been filled with playing WoW and what relaxation it can bring. But! Prior to that, I had quite the fun and relaxing holiday vacation. As I mentioned before, Kazi flew all the […]

The world literally falling apart can keep you busy


I realize it’s been getting close to a month now since you heard from me and I can assure you I’m doing rather well. Doing better than just well actually. I’ve been keeping busy at work with a major project that’s actually quite interesting (albeit frustrating at times) and when I haven’t been dissecting and […]